Cloud Director PowerShell deploy

Having to deploy multiple Cloud Director environments can be tedious, especially when OVF deployment in vCenter fails with some obsure error all the time. But using powershell to deploy is smooth sailing.

Here you will get the small piece of PowerShell to do so. Its very basic and but works everytime.

Connect-VIServer -server vcsa.home.lab

$OVA = "C:\teknik\VMware_Cloud_Director-"

# vCenter Server used to deploy to
$VMCluster = "mgmt01"
$VMDatastore = "vSan"

# VCD Configuration
$VMName = "vcd1-03"

$VMNetwork1 = "vcd_vCloud_External_Perimeter"
$VMNetwork2 = "vcd_vCloud_Internal_Perimeter"

$VMNetworkIP1 = ""
$VMNetworkIP2 = ""
$VMNetmask = ""
$VMGateway = ""

$VMDNS = ""
$VMNTP = "ntp.home.lab"
$VMSearchPath = "home.lab"

$eth0Routes = ""
$eth1Routes = ","

$DeploymentSize = "standby-medium"
$RootPassword = ''

$cluster = Get-Cluster $VMCluster
$vmhost = $cluster | Get-VMHost | Get-Random
$datastore = $vmhost | Get-Datastore $VMDatastore

# Setup ovfconfig
$OvfConfig = Get-OvfConfiguration $OVA

$OvfConfig.DeploymentOption.Value = $DeploymentSize

$OvfConfig.NetworkMapping.eth0_Network.Value = $VMNetwork1
$OvfConfig.NetworkMapping.eth1_Network.Value = $VMNetwork2

$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.ip0.Value =  $VMNetworkIP1
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.ip1.Value =  $VMNetworkIP2
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.netmask0.Value = $VMNetmask
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.netmask1.Value = $VMNetmask
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.gateway.Value = $VMGateway
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.DNS.Value = $VMDns
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.domain.Value = $VMName
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.searchpath.Value = $VMSearchPath

$OvfConfig.vcloudapp.VMware_vCloud_Director.enable_ssh.Value = $true
$OvfConfig.vcloudapp.VMware_vCloud_Director.expire_root_password.Value = $false
$OvfConfig.vcloudapp.VMware_vCloud_Director.ntp_server.Value = $VMNTP
$OvfConfig.vcloudapp.VMware_vCloud_Director.varoot_password.Value = $RootPassword

$OvfConfig.vcloudnet.VMware_vCloud_Director.routes0.Value = $eth0Routes
$OvfConfig.vcloudnet.VMware_vCloud_Director.routes1.Value = $eth1Routes

# Deploy
Import-VApp -Source $OVA -OvfConfiguration $OvfConfig -Name $VMName -Location $cluster -VMHost $vmhost -Datastore $datastore -DiskStorageFormat thin

Just Enoght vSphere rights for replication

Just enough rights for a user to see and manage VMs in order to setup migration replication with either Azure Migrate or VMware Availability.

We are seeing more and more moving VMs around between providers, just a few years back this was not something that anybody wanted to go into, but the market is in a transition where offboarding is as important as onboarding. Good for the customer.

To ensure that the rights are just enough so that Azure Migrate or VMware Availability Onprem can’t see all VMs in your datacenter you need to limit the rights that the appliance is given.

To help out I have created a small permission script that can help with the setup of permissions.

It will create two roles, one global and one for the tenant resource group. Then it will setup the permissions so it’s just enough for the replication to work.

If you do not want the VCDA plugin into vCenter then you can remove the lines that define “Extension”

$roleGlobal = "vcda_repl_global"
$roleTenant = "vcda_repl_tenant"
$viserver = "vcsa1.home.lab"
$tenantRespool = "tenant1.comp1.01 (6284cdf1-cb7f-43bb-8e0f-09f439e09555)"
$vsphereUser = "tenant1_vcda"

Connect-VIServer -server $viserver

$roleIds = @()
$roleIds += "System.Anonymous"
$roleIds += "System.View"
$roleIds += "System.Read"
### Cryptographic Operations
$roleIds += "Cryptographer.ManageKeys"
$roleIds += "Cryptographer.RegisterHost"
### Datastore Privileges
$roleIds += "Datastore.Browse"
$roleIds += "Datastore.Config"
$roleIds += "Datastore.FileManagement"
### Extension Privileges - Not needed if you dont want plugin to vcenter 
$roleIds += "Extension.Register"
$roleIds += "Extension.Unregister"
$roleIds += "Extension.Update"
### Host Configuration Privileges
$roleIds += "Host.Config.Connection"
### Profile-driven Storage Privileges
$roleIds += "StorageProfile.View"
### Storage Views Privileges
$roleIds += "StorageViews"
### Host.Hbr.HbrManagement
$roleIds += "Host.Hbr.HbrManagement"

$roleIdsTenant = @()
### Resource Privileges
$roleIdsTenant += "Resource.AssignVMToPool"
### Virtual Machine Configuration Privileges
$roleIdsTenant += "VirtualMachine.Config.AddExistingDisk"
$roleIdsTenant += "VirtualMachine.Config.Settings"
$roleIdsTenant += "VirtualMachine.Config.RemoveDisk"
### Virtual Machine Inventory Privileges
$roleIdsTenant += "VirtualMachine.Inventory.register"
$roleIdsTenant += "VirtualMachine.Inventory.Unregister"
### Virtual Machine Interaction
$roleIdsTenant += "VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOn"
$roleIdsTenant += "VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOff"
### Virtual Machine State Privileges
$roleIdsTenant += "VirtualMachine.State.CreateSnapshot"
$roleIdsTenant += "VirtualMachine.State.RemoveSnapshot"
### Host.Hbr.HbrManagement
$roleIdsTenant += "VirtualMachine.Hbr.ConfigureReplication"
$roleIdsTenant += "VirtualMachine.Hbr.ReplicaManagement"
$roleIdsTenant += "VirtualMachine.Hbr.MonitorReplication"

New-VIRole -name $roleGlobal -Privilege (Get-VIPrivilege -Server $viserver -id $roleIds) -Server $viserver
Set-VIRole -Role $roleGlobal -AddPrivilege (Get-VIPrivilege -Server $viserver -id $roleIds) -Server $viserver

New-VIRole -name $roleTenant -Privilege (Get-VIPrivilege -Server $viserver -id $roleIdsTenant) -Server $viserver
Set-VIRole -Role $roleTenant -AddPrivilege (Get-VIPrivilege -Server $viserver -id $roleIdsTenant) -Server $viserver

$globalPrivileges = Get-VIPrivilege -Role $roleGlobal

$rootFolder = Get-Folder -NoRecursion
$permission1 = New-VIPermission -Entity $rootFolder -Principal (Get-VIAccount -Domain vsphere.local -User $vsphereUser ) -Role $roleGlobal -Propagate:$false

$tenantRespool = Get-ResourcePool -Name $tenantRespool
$permission1 = New-VIPermission -Entity  $tenantRespool -Principal (Get-VIAccount -Domain vsphere.local -User $vsphereUser ) -Role $roleTenant -Propagate:$true

VCD – Force delete network

In our v2t conversion, the NSX for Cloud Director migration tool has had some issues when doing cleanup. One of them is that it cant delete the old NSX-V backed network even though there is nothing left in VCD using it. The error message can be seen below.

2023-05-22 10:54:28,551 [connectionpool]:[_make_request]:452 [DEBUG] [tenant.01] | "DELETE /cloudapi/1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/urn:vcloud:network:ce108a33-fa5c-4cae-8c16-60edd536ad20 HTTP/1.1" 400 None
2023-05-22 10:54:28,556 [vcdOperations]:[deleteOrgVDCNetworks]:1090 [DEBUG] [tenant.01] | Failed to delete Organization VDC Network lan.[ 1ca6fd03-de82-4835-b12e-58c5c043b2bc ] Network lan cannot be deleted, because it is in use by the following vApp Networks: lan.
2023-05-22 10:54:28,556 [vcdNSXMigratorCleanup]:[run]:230 [ERROR] [tenant.01] | Failed to delete Org VDC networks ['lan'] - as it is in use
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\", line 218, in run
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "src\core\vcd\", line 53, in inner
  File "src\core\vcd\", line 1094, in deleteOrgVDCNetworks
Exception: Failed to delete Org VDC networks ['lan'] - as it is in use

I found someone else having this problem, where they discovered a forceful way to delete the network. I have used this but wrapped it in Powershell instead. In my case, it can get the network URN from the log of the migration tools. Else you can also easily see the URN from the GUI URL when in the context of the network.

### Variables
$vcdUrl = ""
$apiusername = "@system"
$password = ''
$networkUrn = "urn:vcloud:network:ce108a33-fa5c-4cae-8c16-60edd536ad20"

### Auth against API and enable TLS1.2 for PowerShell
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $apiusername,$password)))
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$auth =Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$vcdUrl/api/sessions" -Headers @{Accept = "application/*;version=36.0";Authorization="Basic $base64AuthInfo"} -Method Post

### Get VirtualWire
$virtualWire = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$vcdUrl/cloudapi/1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/$($networkUrn)" -Headers @{Accept = "application/json;version=36.0";Authorization="Bearer $($auth.Headers.'X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-ACCESS-TOKEN')"} -Method GET

### Delete VirtualWire
$deleteStatus = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($networkUrn)?force=true" -Headers @{Accept = "application/json;version=36.0";Authorization="Bearer $($auth.Headers.'X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-ACCESS-TOKEN')"} -Method DELETE

Above PowerShell is used at your own risk 🙂

Disk mapping Windows <-> VMware – Part 2

A couple of years ago I did a post on how to map your windows disk with the real disk in VMware. The post will be an extension of it but with updated commands.

Why do I need to know the mapping? It happens when you stumble upon a VM disk with many disks attached. If the many disks vary in size you normally can look at those numbers and match them with the disks in VMware, but when all disks have the same size that approach become difficult.

Windows serial number:

In windows, we can retrieve the serial number on the disk we need to expand and then map the serial number to the VMware disk. In newer Windows Server versions it’s fairly easy to find but when dealing with older than 2012 you are missing the PowerShell cmdlets like get-disk. Someone on StackOverflow got a way that works on Windows Server 2008 > 2022.

$DriveLetter = "C:"
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_DiskDrive |
Get-CimAssociatedInstance -Association Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition |
Get-CimAssociatedInstance -Association Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition |
Where-Object DeviceId -eq $DriveLetter |
Get-CimAssociatedInstance -Association Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition |
Get-CimAssociatedInstance -Association Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition |
Select-Object -Property SerialNumber

VMware disk:

From VMware’s side, it’s straightforward to find the disk and its serial number. Below is an scripted way of finding the disk and then adding the extra capacity.

Connect-VIServer ""

$VMname = ""
$disksn = "6000c295ec128b3d14472bdbf8e65aee"
$vmDisk = (Get-VM $VMname | Get-HardDisk) | Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.Backing.uuid.Replace("-","") -eq $disksn } 

$ExpandSizeGb = 50
$vmDisk | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB ($vmDisk.CapacityGB + $ExpandSizeGb) -Confirm:$false 


Instead of having to guess what disk in windows is mapping to the VMware disk you here have a more automated way. The disk serial number retrieve commands are compatible with up to Windows Server 2022.

Veeam – retrive saved passwords from VBR

Ever needed to retrieve a saved Veeam password? I did – Found the process for it on the Veeam forum.

  • Open SQL Studio as administrator and connect to the Veeam DB instance
  • Run query from below on the VeeamBackup database
SELECT TOP (1000) [id]
FROM [VeeamBackup].[dbo].[Credentials]
Query the Veeam DB for all stored credentials to backup infrastructure components

Get the password hash from the results (match the description to the one you need). Then run PowerShell below with the hash you grabbed.

Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Backup\Veeam.Backup.Common.dll"
$encoded = 'AQAAANCM....RhQ'
Password revealed and ready to use


Is this a security problem? Depends, but it will give you a reminder of how important it is to keep your Veeam VBR server safe. Never domain join and have the firewall closed as much as possible. If a malicious person comes by your Veeam server they can grab the keys for the rest of your infrastructure, including your backup of cause. In most cases that would mean game over.

Faster and more scripted way:

$instance = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup and Replication" -name SqlInstanceName).SqlInstanceName
$server = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup and Replication" -name SqlServerName).SqlServerName
$result = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT TOP (1000) [user_name],[password],[description] FROM [VeeamBackup].[dbo].[Credentials]" -ServerInstance "$server\$instance"
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Backup\Veeam.Backup.Common.dll"
$result | ForEach-Object { [Veeam.Backup.Common.ProtectedStorage]::GetLocalString($($_.password))}

Storage DRS recommendations – with PowerCLI

Many things can happen when you let Storage DRS run fully automated. If you have it on from the beginning it will probably only give you good things. But enabling it on a large storage space imbalanced cluster might be a bit too risky.

Many things that Storage DRS is not aware of. Like your storage underneath running out of space on pool/aggregate or the operations is too IO heavy to run within business hours.

Call me a wimp, but in this case, it seems better to be in control and apply the recommendations little by little. But having to use the GUI is a pain, you need to go into Storage Cluster > Monitor > Storage DRS > Recommendations. And from here you need to override the selections and uncheck the boxes so you can run smaller batches of Storage vMotions.

I will just use VMware PowerCLI cmdlets…

Well, unfortunately not all of vSphere API is exposed through PowerCLI cmdlets, but after a bit of googling it seemed quite easy to call the SDK API directly from within PowerShell

One post that came to my attention where containing most of the code needed.


I’m not that much into what the ServiceInstance or StorageRessoruceManager is. But I expect it to be the API instantiated by PowerShell where you then have each operation from where you can find the functionality that you are looking for.

 # DSC you want to work with
$dscName = 'DatastoreCluster'

# Get DSC info
$dsc = Get-View -ViewType StoragePod -Filter @{'Name'=$dscName}

# Get Service Intance
$si = Get-View ServiceInstance

# Get the StorageResourceManager
$storMgr = Get-View -Id $si.Content.StorageResourceManager

# Refresh SDRS Recommendation on DSC

# Update dsc object with fresh recommendation data

# Filter on reason for storage balance. Select only 40 VMs.
$balance = $dsc.PodStorageDrsEntry.Recommendation | Where-Object {$_.Reason -eq "balanceDatastoreSpaceUsage"}  | Select-Object -First 40

# Do a run of each VM and start the storage vMotion process
foreach($vm in $balance){
   $message = "Moving VM: {0} to datastore: {1}" -f $(get-vm -id $("VirtualMachine-"+$($vm.Action[0].Target.Value))).name, $(get-datastore -id $vm.Action[0].Destination).name
   write-host $message -ForegroundColor Green


I was expecting to use some PowerCLI cmdlets to make my granular balance of the storage cluster. Unfortunately, that did not exist.

But from the great community, I found how to use the vSphere API through PowerShell and in the end got the functionalty I was looking for.

Maybe there is an easier way to do the same, if so, let me know. Until next time I have a bit of vSphere SDK googling to do.

NSX API – DLR L2 bridging

Here is a script for mass DLR L2 bridge creation. I had to bridge a couple of hundred VLAN to VXLAN, and while it was maybe faster to create it by hand I would not have learned anything.

The script is reading from a CSV file where I have all my info. Then loops through the entries and create a distributed port group and then initiates an L2 bridge. The VXLAN had been created post to this operation.

$csv = Import-Csv "D:\temp\VLAN.csv" -Delimiter ";"
Import-Module PowerNSX
get-module -name vmware* -ListAvailable | Import-Module

$cred = get-credential
connect-viserver -server -Credential $cred

foreach ($net in $csv) {
    $vdportgroup = ("zitmit-$($net.acl)").ToLower()

    $exists = Get-VDSwitch -Name "DSMpls01-EX" | Get-VDPortgroup -Name $vdportgroup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (!$exists) {
        Get-VDSwitch -Name "DSMpls01-EX" | New-VDPortgroup -Name $vdportgroup -VLanId $net.mitvlan -NumPorts 2
        $created = Get-VDSwitch -Name "DSMpls01-EX" | Get-VDPortgroup -Name "zitmit-acl-10344"
        if (!created) {
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Portgroup created: $vdportgroup"

            $vdportgroupId = ($created.Id).Replace("DistributedVirtualPortgroup-","")
            $vdportgrpupName = $created.Name

            create-nsxl2bridge -aclname $($net.acl) -dvportGroup $($created.key)
    else {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Portgroup have allready been created: $vdportgroup"
        #Get-VDSwitch -Name "DSMpls01-EX" | New-VDPortgroup -Name $vdportgroup -VLanId $net.mitvlan -NumPorts 2

Function create-nsxl2bridge {

    # Login info
    $nsxUsername = 
    $nsxPassword = 

    # Allow all SSL protocols
    $AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Ssl3,Tls,Tls11,Tls12' 
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $AllProtocols

    # Connect to NSX manager
    $connection = Connect-NsxServer -Username $nsxUsername -Password $nsxPassword -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    $virtualwire = Get-NsxLogicalSwitch | Where-Object { $ -match "$aclname" -and $ -notmatch "lan" }

    if ($virtualwire.count -gt 1) {
        $message = "Something could wrong - $aclname"
        write-host $message -ForegroundColor yellow
        $message | Out-File C:\log\create-nsxl2bridge.txt -Append
        $virtualwire = $virtualwire[0]
    elseif (!$virtualwire) {
        $message = "virtualwire was not found: $($virtualwire.objectId) - acl: $aclname"
        write-host $message -ForegroundColor yellow
        $message | Out-File C:\log\create-nsxl2bridge.txt -Append

    # Edge info
    $edgeId = "edge-1120"
    $Type = "Accept: application/xml"
    $Header = @{"Authorization" = "Basic " + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($nsxUsername + ":" + $nsxPassword)) }
    $nsxUri = "$edgeId/bridging/config"

    # Getting edge config
    $currentL2Config = $null
    $currentL2Config = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $nsxUri -Headers $Header -Method GET -ContentType $Type

    # Check if already there
    foreach ($z in $currentL2Config.SelectNodes("//name"))
        if ($z.'#text' -match $aclname ) {
            write-host "Already exists: $aclname" -ForegroundColor yellow

    # Add extra xml node to currentconfig
    $handler1 = $null
    $handler1 = $currentL2Config.CreateNode('element', "bridge", '')
    $attr = $currentL2Config.CreateNode('element', "bridgeId", '')
    $attr.InnerText = "$null";
    $attr = $currentL2Config.CreateNode('element', "name", '')
    $attr.InnerText = "$aclname";
    $attr = $currentL2Config.CreateNode('element', "virtualWire", '')
    $attr.InnerText = "$($virtualwire.objectId)";
    $attr = $currentL2Config.CreateNode('element', "dvportGroup", '')
    $attr.InnerText = "$dvportGroup";
    # Remove nodes from existing XML
    $currentL2Config.SelectNodes("//virtualWireName") | ForEach-Object { $_.ParentNode.RemoveChild($_) }
    $currentL2Config.SelectNodes("//isSharedNetwork") | ForEach-Object { $_.ParentNode.RemoveChild($_) }
    $currentL2Config.SelectNodes("//dvportGroupName") | ForEach-Object { $_.ParentNode.RemoveChild($_) }

    # Add the newly created node to existing XML

    # PUT edge config
    $respons = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $nsxUri -Headers $Header -Method PUT -ContentType 'application/xml' -Body $currentL2Config
    write-host "L2 Created: $($virtualwire.objectId) - acl: $aclname" -ForegroundColor Green

Getting all domains from Office365 tenants

Mail spoffing etc. is a big problem, there are technologies that can help, but many domain owners have not yet implemented them. To help our customers we have started to monitor and see if the SPF, DKIM and DMARC policies have been implementened, and if not we can help 🙂

Our own spamfilter solution have a button that gives you an export over all the domains, nice and easy, but Office 365 CSP portal doesnt.

So there is a quick script to help with that. Next post will hopefully contain the checkscript for if the domain have implemented SPF, DKIM or DMARC.

$tenantIds = Get-MsolPartnerContract -All | Select-Object TenantId

foreach ($tenantid in $tenantIds)
    $domains = Get-MsolDomain -TenantId $tenantid.TenantId
    $customer = Get-MsolCompanyInformation -TenantId $tenantId.TenantId

    foreach ($domain in $domains)
        if($domain.Name -match 'microsoft')
             else {

                $data = @(
                $data | Export-Csv -Path C:\temp\domainsInO365.csv -Append


NSX Edge PowerShell manipulation

This is from a VMware support experience. A customer could not change DNS server parameters of the NSX Edge IP Pool. But actually is was a problem due to a bug in VCD 9.5, where a Edge XML config was missing some tags and therefor not being able to validate the XML when VCD post the edited XML config back to NSX manager.

I have attached VMware support answer in the bottom of the post.

Script will get all edges from the NSX manager, then you find the correct one and fill into the next part of the script. Then you get the XML down to a file on your local machine, you then edit the file and put in the missing tags and lastly PUT the XML backup NSX manager. After this operation, it works from the GUI again.

# Import credential module and login information
$ReturnObj = import-credentials vmwareSSO
$nsxUsername = $ReturnObj.Username
$nsxPassword = $ReturnObj.Password

# Other variables
$tempFile = "C:\temp\edge-747_jvr.xml"

# Allow all SSL protocols
$AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Ssl3,Tls,Tls11,Tls12' 
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $AllProtocols

Add-Type @"
    using System;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Net.Security;
    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
    public class ServerCertificateValidationCallback
        public static void Ignore()
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += 
                    Object obj, 
                    X509Certificate certificate, 
                    X509Chain chain, 
                    SslPolicyErrors errors
                    return true;


# Getting all edges
$Type = "Accept: application/xml"
$Header = @{"Authorization" = "Basic " + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($nsxUsername + ":" + $nsxPassword))}
$nsxUri = ""

[xml]$edges = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $nsxUri -Headers $Header -Method GET -ContentType $Type).Content
foreach ($edge in $edges.pagedEdgeList.edgePage.edgeSummary)
    $edgeInfo = "name: {0} - ID: {1}" -f $, $edge.objectId

# Getting specefic edge config
$edgeId = "edge-747"
$Type = "Accept: application/xml"
$Header = @{"Authorization" = "Basic " + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($nsxUsername + ":" + $nsxPassword))}
$nsxUri = "$edgeId"

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $nsxUri -Headers $Header -Method GET -ContentType $Type).Content | out-file $tempFile

# PUT edge config after edit
$Type = 'application/xml'
$Header = @{"Authorization" = "Basic " + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($nsxUsername + ":" + $nsxPassword))}
$nsxUri = "$edgeId"
$edgeConfigAltered = Get-Content $tempFile

$respons = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $nsxUri -Headers $Header -Method Put -ContentType 'application/xml' -Body $edgeConfigAltered
# Statuscode 204 is accepted

From Support:
– The issue you are seeing is a known issue 9.5.
– Like I mentioned in the previous email, this is due to missing elements from the xml.
– From the xml in the logs, I could see there are 52 NAT rules on that edge.Correct me if I am wrong. The following 2 rules had the elements missing


I have attached the file with the list of all the NAT rules seen from the logs if you need to cross-verify.

– To fix the issue,please follow

If you have any further questions,let me know.

Have a good evening,

Best regards,


Make a clone of VMs to NAS – The PowerCLI way

Quick post, had a customer that yearly wants a clone of their VMs, copied to a NAS, and then shipped to customers HQ. The owner of the company put this as a requirement. Fair enough. I have almost always done the clone of the VMs by GUI, in the start, this was easy because they only had 5 servers, but they now have more. So this time I wanted to try and script it instead. It took me some extra time, but in the end, I think it’s worth it. My PowerShell skills are not great, still learning so bear with me.

# Variables
$vcenter = "<IP or hostname>"
$cluster = "<name of cluster that contains the servers>"
$nfsIP = ""
$nfsMount = "/nfs"

# Getting VMware PowerShell Modules
Get-Module -Name vmware* -ListAvailable | Import-Module

# Connect to vcenter
Connect-VIServer -Server $vcenter -User <username>

# Mount NAS 
get-cluster $cluster | get-vmhost | new-datastore -nfs -name NAS -path $nfsMount -nfshost $nfsIP

# More Variables
$ds = get-datastore NAS
$tempHost = "esx74.domain.tld"
$vms = Get-VM -Name customer*

# Copy all 
foreach ($vm in $vms)
    new-vm -name "$($" -VM $vm -Datastore $ds -vmhost $tempHost
    Remove-VM -VM "$($" -DeleteFromDisk:$false -Confirm:$false -RunAsync

# Remove datastore from hosts again
Get-Cluster $cluster | Get-VMHost | Remove-Datastore -Datastore $ds