Storage DRS recommendations – with PowerCLI

Many things can happen when you let Storage DRS run fully automated. If you have it on from the beginning it will probably only give you good things. But enabling it on a large storage space imbalanced cluster might be a bit too risky.

Many things that Storage DRS is not aware of. Like your storage underneath running out of space on pool/aggregate or the operations is too IO heavy to run within business hours.

Call me a wimp, but in this case, it seems better to be in control and apply the recommendations little by little. But having to use the GUI is a pain, you need to go into Storage Cluster > Monitor > Storage DRS > Recommendations. And from here you need to override the selections and uncheck the boxes so you can run smaller batches of Storage vMotions.

I will just use VMware PowerCLI cmdlets…

Well, unfortunately not all of vSphere API is exposed through PowerCLI cmdlets, but after a bit of googling it seemed quite easy to call the SDK API directly from within PowerShell

One post that came to my attention where containing most of the code needed.


I’m not that much into what the ServiceInstance or StorageRessoruceManager is. But I expect it to be the API instantiated by PowerShell where you then have each operation from where you can find the functionality that you are looking for.

 # DSC you want to work with
$dscName = 'DatastoreCluster'

# Get DSC info
$dsc = Get-View -ViewType StoragePod -Filter @{'Name'=$dscName}

# Get Service Intance
$si = Get-View ServiceInstance

# Get the StorageResourceManager
$storMgr = Get-View -Id $si.Content.StorageResourceManager

# Refresh SDRS Recommendation on DSC

# Update dsc object with fresh recommendation data

# Filter on reason for storage balance. Select only 40 VMs.
$balance = $dsc.PodStorageDrsEntry.Recommendation | Where-Object {$_.Reason -eq "balanceDatastoreSpaceUsage"}  | Select-Object -First 40

# Do a run of each VM and start the storage vMotion process
foreach($vm in $balance){
   $message = "Moving VM: {0} to datastore: {1}" -f $(get-vm -id $("VirtualMachine-"+$($vm.Action[0].Target.Value))).name, $(get-datastore -id $vm.Action[0].Destination).name
   write-host $message -ForegroundColor Green


I was expecting to use some PowerCLI cmdlets to make my granular balance of the storage cluster. Unfortunately, that did not exist.

But from the great community, I found how to use the vSphere API through PowerShell and in the end got the functionalty I was looking for.

Maybe there is an easier way to do the same, if so, let me know. Until next time I have a bit of vSphere SDK googling to do.

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Jesper Ramsgaard