Precheck gave warnings back for all the edge nodes. Where it stated the problem below.
Edge node 4006d386-a394-43a4-6b04b242f8b3 vmId is not found on NSX Manager. Please refer to
The KB article states that NSX managers are missing the VM_ID for the edge nodes and gave an example of how to manually find the Edge VM moref and post it to the NSX API.
Using PowerShell to update the VM_ID
Instead of the manual procedure from the KB, I made a small script.
### Login details
$nsxUsername = "admin"
$nsxPassword = "Yi....kes12!"
$nsxmanager = "nsxt.home.lab"
### Connect to vcenter so that we can fetch moref
Connect-VIServer vcsa1.home.lab
### NSX Manager auth header
$Type = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
$Header = @{"Authorization" = "Basic " + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($nsxUsername + ":" + $nsxPassword)) }
$nsxUri = "https://$($nsxmanager)"
### Edge Vm moref update
$edgenodes = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$nsxUri/api/v1/transport-nodes" -Headers $Header -Method GET -ContentType $Type).results | Where-Object {$_.node_deployment_info.deployment_type -eq "VIRTUAL_MACHINE"}
### Loop through the edge nodes
foreach($edgenode in $edgenodes){
write-host "Updating edge node - $($edgenode.display_name)"
$specEdge = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$nsxUri/api/v1/transport-nodes/$($" -Headers $Header -Method GET -ContentType $Type).node_deployment_info.deployment_config
$vmid = ((get-vm $edgenode.display_name).Id).Split("-")[-1]
write-host "Found edge node moref in vcenter - vm-$vmid)"
write-host "Removing form factore and adding vm_id to object)"
$specEdge | Add-Member -NotePropertyName vm_id -NotePropertyValue "vm-$vmid"
$specEdge = $specEdge | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty form_factor
try {
write-host "Updating against NSX API"
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$nsxUri/api/v1/transport-nodes/$($" -Headers $Header -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" -Body $($specEdge|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
catch {
$streamReader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream())
$ErrResp = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json
write-host "$($ErrResp.error_message) - $($edgenode.display_name) not updated with success)" -ForegroundColor Red }
write-host "$($edgenode.display_name) updated with success)"
Unfortunately, even after updating vm_id the precheck still failed, with the same error. NSX API accepted with code 200 the post nothing happened behind the scenes
VMware support:
Opening a VMware SR, they got logs and the info that we already tried to update the vm_id. They asked us to do a couple of other things.
Refreshing the edge node config data
VMware SR stated us to try and do an API call for refreshing the edge node config data. VMware code NSX API info. With the info from the previous script, we can do a POST against NSX API.
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$nsxUri/api/v1/transport-nodes/$($" -Headers $Header -Method POST
Reboot of edge nodes
Put an Edge node into NSX maintenance mode and afterward do a reboot of the node, initiated from vCenter with a “Restart Guest OS”. The reboot went fine and the Edge node was put into production again.
Reboot of NSX Managers
Rebooting the NSX Managers, one at a time, and of cause waiting for the rebooted node to come back online with no errors before continuing with the next one.
Unfortunately, non of the above helped, precheck still gives the same error.
Further troubleshooting:
Looking at the API guide I stumbled over an edge node redeployment call. I have redeployed the edge nodes manual before, and I have to say, it’s a pain! It’s not hard, but it takes a lot of time. But this call will help to redeploy in a way that doesn’t affect the data plane.
- Edge is being put into NSX maintenance mode
- Edge is then deleted and a new one is deployed, with the same naming as the old one.
- After the edge node is deployed and registered in the manager it exits maintenance mode and goes into production again
Executing the API call
First, we get the config for the specific edge. Afterward, we post to the redeploy API with the body that we got from the config get request.
The try-catch is helping you get a better error description, if something goes wrong.
$redeployBody = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $nsxUri/api/v1/transport-nodes/$($ -Headers $Header -Method GET)
try {
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$nsxUri/api/v1/transport-nodes/$($" -Headers $Header -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" -body $redeployBody
catch {
$streamReader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream())
$ErrResp = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json
After redeployment, more problems….
After the redeployment of one edge node, the error with vm_id was no more for the redeployed node. Great! but now the upgrade coordinator gave a new precheck error… I can’t exactly remember, but it said something like “The Host Upgrade Unit Groups are not suitable for a T0.”
Google results pointed in the direction of VMware KB to reset the upgrade plan. But was not successful. (I then later found out that on the next page of the upgrade wizard, there is a “Reset plan” button)
Continued to redeploy all the remaining edge nodes, this helped clear all the errors from the upgrade precheck. The upgrade could then begin 😀

And another problem…
After the edge nodes that held the T0 gateway, one of the edge nodes was not negotiating up BGP to physical fabric. Tried a lot of things.
- Redeployment of the edge node with the redeploy API action didn’t help.
- Migrating the edge node to the same hosts as the working edge node was on, didn’t help.
- Ping from working edge node to non-working on the VLAN uplink IPs worked.
- Ping from non-working to physical fabric didn’t work.
Then tried to remove and add the interfaces of the T0 on the non-working edge node. Made everything work again. A quite random bug?
NSX upgrades compared to NSX-V upgrades seem to be quite troublesome or let’s say that there is room for improvements. The good thing is that when edge nodes are upgraded then all tenants are also. And the upgrade happens with zero downtime. The T0/T1 robustness is amazing, no drops, no IPSec go down.