Change Veeam job repository

Having to move jobs to another repository is something that can be time-consuming. If you have to do it with the existing job you will need to disable the job, move the data to the new location, point the job to the new location and then enable the job again.

I found the other approach to creating new jobs easier. You can do it in the GUI, but when having 200+ jobs it could take some time. Instead, I did a small script to list all jobs located on the old repo.

The script also looks a the retention point and writes into the old job that is can be deleted after x days. If you have very long retention then this way is not feasible and you will probably have to move data and point exing job to the new location.

Hope somebody else can use it 🙂

Add-PSSnapin -Name VeeamPSSnapIn
Connect-VBRServer -Server <VBRSERVER>

$Jobs = Get-VBRJob | where {$_.IsScheduleEnabled -eq $true} | where {$_.FindTargetRepository().name -eq "dc2sveeamrepo01-scaleout"} | where {$_.IsRunning -eq $false}

# Select first 15 jobs and list them afterwards.
$remainingJobs = $Jobs | select -first 40
$remainingJobs | select name

foreach ($job in $remainingJobs)
$oldjob = "$($job.Name)delete after $($job.BackupStorageOptions.RetainCycles) days"
$ = "$oldjob"
Disable-VBRJob -Job $oldjob

$jobName = "$($job.Name.Split("_")[0])"

Copy-VBRJob -job $oldjob -name $jobName  -Repository "dc2sveeamrepo02-scaleout" 

Enable-VBRJob -job $jobName

sleep 5

start-vbrjob -Job $jobName -RunAsync 

write-host "$jobName : have been cloned and is now started...." -ForegroundColor Green

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Jesper Ramsgaard