VCD – remove org and its items

Having a nice VRO job to create the VCD tenants with its VDCS, Edges and networks are nice. When having to clean up after testing its a pain to click through the GUI to first remote networks, then edges, then disable VDC, delete it, and final delete the org. A bit of PowerShell fu can help with the task, this is a quick and dirty script set of commands, but it works as intended.

get-module VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud | Import-Module

$ciCred = Get-Credential
Connect-CIServer -Server vcd.domain.tld -Credential $ciCred

$org = get-org deletemeorg
$orgvdc = $org | get-orgvdc
### Remove Org networks
$orgvdc | Get-OrgvdcNetwork | Remove-OrgVdcNetwork 
### Remove edges
($orgvdc | get-edgegateway | Get-CIView).delete() 
### Remove VDC
$orgvdc | Set-OrgVdc -Enabled $false | remove-orgvdc
### Remove Org
$org | set-org -Enabled $false | remove-org

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Jesper Ramsgaard