Having to deploy multiple Cloud Director environments can be tedious, especially when OVF deployment in vCenter fails with some obsure error all the time. But using powershell to deploy is smooth sailing.
Here you will get the small piece of PowerShell to do so. Its very basic and but works everytime.
Connect-VIServer -server vcsa.home.lab
$OVA = "C:\teknik\VMware_Cloud_Director-"
# vCenter Server used to deploy to
$VMCluster = "mgmt01"
$VMDatastore = "vSan"
# VCD Configuration
$VMName = "vcd1-03"
$VMNetwork1 = "vcd_vCloud_External_Perimeter"
$VMNetwork2 = "vcd_vCloud_Internal_Perimeter"
$VMNetworkIP1 = ""
$VMNetworkIP2 = ""
$VMNetmask = ""
$VMGateway = ""
$VMDNS = ""
$VMNTP = "ntp.home.lab"
$VMSearchPath = "home.lab"
$eth0Routes = ""
$eth1Routes = ","
$DeploymentSize = "standby-medium"
$RootPassword = ''
$cluster = Get-Cluster $VMCluster
$vmhost = $cluster | Get-VMHost | Get-Random
$datastore = $vmhost | Get-Datastore $VMDatastore
# Setup ovfconfig
$OvfConfig = Get-OvfConfiguration $OVA
$OvfConfig.DeploymentOption.Value = $DeploymentSize
$OvfConfig.NetworkMapping.eth0_Network.Value = $VMNetwork1
$OvfConfig.NetworkMapping.eth1_Network.Value = $VMNetwork2
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.ip0.Value = $VMNetworkIP1
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.ip1.Value = $VMNetworkIP2
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.netmask0.Value = $VMNetmask
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.netmask1.Value = $VMNetmask
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.gateway.Value = $VMGateway
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.DNS.Value = $VMDns
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.domain.Value = $VMName
$OvfConfig.vami.VMware_vCloud_Director.searchpath.Value = $VMSearchPath
$OvfConfig.vcloudapp.VMware_vCloud_Director.enable_ssh.Value = $true
$OvfConfig.vcloudapp.VMware_vCloud_Director.expire_root_password.Value = $false
$OvfConfig.vcloudapp.VMware_vCloud_Director.ntp_server.Value = $VMNTP
$OvfConfig.vcloudapp.VMware_vCloud_Director.varoot_password.Value = $RootPassword
$OvfConfig.vcloudnet.VMware_vCloud_Director.routes0.Value = $eth0Routes
$OvfConfig.vcloudnet.VMware_vCloud_Director.routes1.Value = $eth1Routes
# Deploy
Import-VApp -Source $OVA -OvfConfiguration $OvfConfig -Name $VMName -Location $cluster -VMHost $vmhost -Datastore $datastore -DiskStorageFormat thin
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